Biden Vows To Accept Outcome of Son’s Case

Biden Vows To Accept Outcome of Son's Case

( – More than a year after Judge Maryellen Noreika upended his ill-fated plea deal with Special Counsel David Weiss, a jury convicted Hunter Biden on three felony gun charges on Tuesday, June 11. The conviction marked a notorious first in history: a criminal conviction of a sitting president’s child. President Joe Biden vowed to “accept the outcome” of his son’s case and “respect the judicial process” as Hunter and his legal team consider an appeal.

The president issued his statement soon after the jury read its verdict. He reiterated his love and support for his son and pointed out that while he serves as president, he is also a father. He expressed pride in Hunter’s battle to achieve addiction recovery and noted his family’s solidarity with others who have supported family members through recovery.

Continuing, Biden said, “I will accept the outcome of this case,” adding that he and his wife Jill would maintain their support while their son weighs his legal options. The president stated his ongoing support for Hunter and the rest of his family, concluding, “Nothing will ever change that.”

Previously, ABC’s David Muir interviewed Biden in Normandy on Thursday, June 6. He asked whether the president would accept the jury’s decision, regardless of the outcome, and whether he had ruled out offering his son a pardon. The commander-in-chief stoically answered “yes” to both questions.

The campaign of former president and presumptive Republican 2024 presidential nominee Donald Trump also reacted to the conviction with a statement to CNN on Tuesday. A campaign spokesperson characterized the trial as “a distraction” that Joe Biden used to conceal larger crimes he committed by accepting “millions of dollars from China, Russia, and Ukraine.” The spokesperson promised Biden’s supposed crime spree would end with the next election.

CNN reported that Trump and GOP critics had not produced any evidence to support their allegations that President Biden received windfalls from other nations or involvement in his son’s business dealings.

Still, many Trump supporters echoed sentiments that the courts reasonably convicted Hunter Biden of crimes as opposed to what they characterized as a miscarriage of justice in Trump’s New York criminal trial.

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