(LibertyInsider.org) – Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has expressed serious concern over Hunter Biden’s recent public appearances. Speaking to NBC’s Kristen Walker during an episode of Meet the Press on December 18, she questioned the decision to have him speak out more often and mused over the potential fallout for the current administration.
Welker began by drawing attention to Hunter Biden’s decision to hold a press conference in front of Capitol Hill on December 13. She asked whether Psaki thought it helped.
“If you’re sitting in the White House right now, you’re like, “Please, Hunter Biden, we know your dad loves you. Please stop talking in public,” Psaki replied. Admitting that it wasn’t helpful for the president’s son to be out there, the former press secretary then softened her stance slightly, suggesting that the president’s love for his son took precedence.
Psaki also shared her opinion on the benefits of the president opting to stand beside his obviously troubled son, even in the face of criminal accusations. Calling it “appealing,” she suggested that voters might actually be galvanized by President Biden’s loyalty rather than put off by it. But she was careful to note that the White House isn’t likely to share the same warm attitude, musing that they’d prefer if Hunter Biden just went away.
Many found the timing of Hunter Biden’s press conference odd, as he was scheduled to testify before a GOP-led House Committee investigating President Joe Biden for impeachment during that same window of time. However, Hunter ultimately chose not to comply with the subpoena or deliver his scheduled testimony. Instead, he used the press conference to blast the committee, claiming their investigation relied on “distortions, manipulated evidence, and lies.”
The president’s son did acknowledge his many mistakes and even admitted responsibility. He then immediately accused the “Maga Right” of betraying him to achieve a political agenda.
Hunter Biden also accused the GOP of dehumanizing him for suffering from addictions and claimed that an “unrelenting Trump attack team” spent the last six years attacking his character by questioning where he was. Speaking out publicly is his way of answering back.
Exactly what President Biden thinks about his son’s decision to defy the subpoena and hold a press conference remains unclear. The president declined to give a statement during an event of his own later the same day.
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