No Labels Fails To Find Candidate for 2024

No Labels Fails To Find Candidate for 2024

( – A centrist political organization that sought to offer voters an alternative to the Republican and Democratic parties is already withdrawing from the 2024 presidential race. “No Labels,” originally established in 2010, reportedly hoped to create a “unity ticket” with the power to appeal to Americans disillusioned with the two-party system. However, those efforts failed, as they were unable to identify a suitable candidate with a reasonable chance to win.

A statement published by the organization’s Deputy of Communications on April 4 explains why it chose to step out of the race so early. “No Labels has always said we would only offer our ballot line to a ticket if we could identify candidates with a credible path to winning the White House,” Maryanne Martini writes. No such candidates emerged.

Though No Labels failed to identify the right person, it certainly was not for a lack of trying. Over the past few years, the organization approached an extensive list of bipartisan leaders, including Republican Chris Christie (R-NJ), Nikki Haley (R-SC), former Governor Larry Hogan (R-MD), Democratic Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), and Senator Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ). It even, at one point, considered working with Hollywood actor Dwayne Johnson.

However, problems arose at every step. The group faced intense criticism for its status as a non-profit and severe counter-lobbying from major political players, many of whom worried that a third-party ballot would only serve to split the vote.

No Labels might be withdrawing from the presidential race, but that does not mean it intends to give up on its broader efforts to promote unity and bipartisanship. In fact, the group has vowed to continue working on that mission in multiple ways.

According to the same statement, No Labels will keep trying to organize citizens and members of Congress via the Problem Solvers Caucus, which was originally created to push back on political extremes and “America’s biggest problems.” The group also pledged to stay engaged in the upcoming election process, which it warns is likely to be highly divisive. Its primary goal is to call out bad faith actions, regardless of political affiliation, while promoting dialogue around major policy issues.

No Labels also expressed concern over the potential for further division after November. Regardless of who wins the presidential bid, the group will keep championing the interests of the “commonsense majority.”

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