(LibertyInsider.org) – The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and its super political action committee (PAC) United Democracy Project (UDP), along with other pro-Israel PACs, spent a historic $23 million to defeat New York Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowden in the June 25 primary. Sen. Bernie Sanders, who supported Bowman in his reelection bid, pointed out that it was “virtually impossible” for the progressive candidate “to overcome” an almost $20 million spending gap between challenger George Latimer’s campaign and his own.
Bowman became the first “Squad” member to face defeat, losing with 41.4% to Latimer’s 58.6%. While Latimer, 70, campaigned against Bowman based on his views regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict, he and others also criticized the incumbent for his “divisive” language and sometimes controversial stunts. For instance, critics cited a 2023 incident when Bowman was accused of pulling a fire alarm to delay a vote.
Jamaal Bowman becomes first member of the 'Squad' to lose 2024 primary as Democrats divide over Israel https://t.co/5Ukjz19gLR
— USA TODAY Politics (@usatodayDC) June 26, 2024
Analysts have argued that AIPAC and the UDP appear ready to continue their campaign against other vulnerable “Squad” members, including Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO). However, they also said the organizations have targeted those progressive candidates with other political weaknesses. Mark Mellman of the Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI) PAC said that defeating politicians like Bowman and Bush “sends a message that the Democrats aren’t an extreme party.”
Bush will face challenger Wesley Bell in her August primary. She has spoken out against President Joe Biden’s policies supporting Israel. She’s also under investigation over allegedly spending campaign funds on security and paying her now-husband for protection services with those funds.
A poll from The Mellman Group shows the Bush-Bell battle remains very close but indicates Bell has taken a 1-point lead. In January, he trailed Bush by 16 points.
One of the criticisms the pro-Israel Democratic factions lobbed against both Bowman and Bush was that they didn’t support Biden; neither were “team players.” Their opponents picked up and carried the criticisms in their attack ads. Neither lawmaker supported the bipartisan infrastructure bill nor the debt ceiling deal.
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