CNN Analyst Gives Trump’s Team Props in Colorado

ATLANTA - AUGUST 10: CNN Center in Atlanta on August 10, 2014. The CNN Center is the world headquarters of CNN.

( – There’s been a lot of debate surrounding the issue of whether former President Donald Trump should be allowed to run for president this year after the events of January 6, 2021. Legal steps have been taken in several states to remove him from the ballot of the Republican primaries/caucuses, though only two have effectively removed him. Now, one analyst — from CNN, of all places — has given Trump’s team props for the way they’re handling the matter.

When Colorado’s Supreme Court ruled to remove the former president from the ballot, his legal team immediately spoke out, saying they would appeal the decision. On Thursday, January 18, his attorneys submitted a brief to the Supreme Court, asking it to overturn the Colorado decision.

In their argument, the lawyers said that “the President is not an officer of the United States under the Constitution,” therefore Amendment 14, Section 3 does not apply to Trump. Further, they denied that he engaged in an insurrection and claimed any efforts to remove him from ballots would only “unleash chaos and bedlam” should others follow the state’s decision.

CNN legal analyst Elie Honig said that Trump’s legal team has a strong argument in the fight. When asked by CNN journalist Poppy Harlow how that is, Honig responded that the “chaos part” of the argument is already proving true when you look at the political maps.

The commentator said that the Red States are the ones outright rejecting the 14th Amendment claims, and the Blue States are the ones approving measures to take him off the ballots. Honig said that proves “they’re right” about the chaos because “you can’t have some states throwing him off, some states not.”

Honig continued explaining to Harlow that the Supreme Court won’t look at whether or not Trump participated in an insurrection; that’s not a responsibility that falls on the justices. Rather, they will take a look at the “procedural arguments” and realize that they “can’t make it up on the fly here […] and then apply it backward,” so it will likely be a win for Trump.

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