Carano Accuses Disney of Using Bots to Control Narrative

( – Gina Carano, known for her role as Cara Dune in “The Mandalorian,” is addressing Disney’s alleged unethical marketing practices. In a November 2 post on X, she accused the entertainment giant of using “armies of bots” to promote its own corporate agenda and silence dissenting voices — including her own.

Carano referenced Disney’s interest in buying the platform back in 2016, claiming that former executive Bob Iger was actively considering acquiring it before Elon Musk stepped in. She alleges that leadership pulled out of the deal at the eleventh hour after growing concerned about the fact that “a substantial portion [of users]… were not real.”

But failing to follow through on a potential purchase isn’t what has Carano asking questions about Disney’s behind-the-scenes public relations strategies. She actually suspects the media giant is responsible for a chunk of the fake bot accounts.

Carano’s concerns center on the many nameless online profiles that appear to crop up randomly to aggressively support Disney’s interests. Most have few or even no followers. She interpreted this pattern as clear evidence of a malicious bot network operating on the company’s behalf behind the scenes.

Carano also believes the same automated accounts contributed to a campaign of negative feedback aimed at her Instagram account back in 2021. At the time, the actress shared a series of now-deleted posts that likened the political climate in the US to Nazi Germany. Some users called the posts anti-Semetic, prompting Lucasfilm to cancel her contract for The Mandalorian and cut ties.

The actress claims she attempted to warn Disney about how the harmful bot activity was amplifying negative sentiments against her. She said the company dismissed her concerns and publicly criticized her for the nature of her posts.

But Carano is also concerned about the broader implications of these “malevolent mobs.” She believes they contribute to cancel culture and, in many cases, damage reputations. “How many lives were ruined because of Twitter bots canceling them?” she asked. “Aren’t you all sick of the abuse of power?”

Carano’s complaints come in the wake of a new report published to Rolling Stone on November 1, which accuses HBO and Max executives of employing similar strategies against movie critics. HBO, when asked to comment on the matter, refused to provide a statement rather than outright confirming or denying the claims.

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