Biden Admin Rule Aims To Phase Out Use of Fossil Fuels in New Federal Buildings

Biden Admin Rule Aims To Phase Out Use of Fossil Fuels in New Federal Buildings

( – Clean energy was a cornerstone of President Joe Biden’s campaign. Throughout his time in the White House, he has pushed for and signed multiple bills. His administration has also crafted several rules. Now, it’s finalizing another one.

On Wednesday, April 24, the Department of Energy announced it had met the conditions set forth in the Clean Energy for New Federal Buildings and Major Renovations of Federal Buildings Rule. This rule mandates cutting emissions in any new federal buildings or major renovations of existing buildings.

With its finalization, the rule will complete the mandate set forth by the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007. This administrative policy will see the phasing out of fossil fuels by 90% in projects initiated between 2025 and 2029 and then net zero emissions in all projects started in 2030 and beyond. The plan is to phase out fossil fuel usage for heating and water heating.

The rule defines any major renovations as projects that cost at least $3.8 million. Those that are completed under that amount are excluded from following the emissions reductions set forth. There will also be an application for exemption, though it’s expected that those will be approved on a very limited basis, such as in the event of structural or supply chain issues.

According to the press release, this move will “reduce carbon emissions from federal buildings by 2 million metric tons and methane emissions by 16 thousand tons” over the next three decades. This is equivalent to the amount produced by more than 300,000 homes in the country in a single year. At the same time, it will reduce infrastructure costs by around $8 million, “reduce pollution, improve air quality, [and] create good-paying jobs.”

In 2022, the Biden Administration also mandated that 30% of federal buildings had to improve efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One of those buildings is the Pentagon, which, as part of the first arm of awards, will have solar panels installed on its roof.

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