School District Suspends Student for Exposing Hate

( – Members of the Muslim Students Association at a Virginia high school recently circulated a disturbing image of the US flag. It depicted swastikas in place of stars and included the text “Free Palestine” between red, squiggly faux stripes. School officials suspended the kids responsible — but they also punished the student who exposed the hateful drawing.

Fairfax Times reports that activists staged a protest on November 17 in response to both the treatment of the Langley High School student who shared the picture and the greater Jewish community. Sources don’t indicate how the student, who is reportedly Asian American, obtained the photograph or whether the individual belongs to either religious affiliation. School officials are apparently painting him as an accomplice as opposed to a whistleblower.

Antisemitism has allegedly been a long-standing issue in the area. Parents claim their children have suffered threats and aggression from Hamas sympathizers, and administrators have repeatedly sided against them. One reported example was their treatment when the Muslim Students Association had staged a walkout on November 10. Roughly 150 pro-Palestine activists demonstrated in front of the school, one of which had swastikas drawn on the back of a “Free Palestine” sign. Across the street, about 10 Jewish counter-protesters chanted “Free the hostages!” Take one guess as to which side was told to tone down their message.

The Washington Examiner reports that the district has faced numerous allegations of antisemitic activity. The same day the image of the swastika-embellished flag came to light, members of another activist group called Parents Defending Education obtained damning emails from a school board member using the Freedom of Information Act. The messages allegedly praised a Muslim teacher who had spoken out against the strikes on Gaza.

Students across the country have been engaging in walkouts and protests in response to both Hamas’ attack on Israel and the counterattack on Gaza. Tensions remain high as the death toll in the Middle Eastern region continues to rise.

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