20-Year-Old Recounts Tragic Life as Adoptive Parents Face Lawsuit

(LibertyInsider.org) – In a small New Hampshire town, a lawsuit is unraveling a disturbing story of abuse and neglect. Olivia Atkocaitis, now 20, is suing her adoptive parents and state institutions, accusing them of failing to protect her from years of mistreatment.

Born in China and adopted as an infant to the US, Olivia’s childhood took a devastating turn once she moved in with Thomas and Denise Atkocaitis. Court documents describe a life filled with daily suffering and neglect in heartbreaking detail.

Olivia endured years of physical abuse, racial mistreatment, and confinement in inhumane conditions. Her parents kept her locked up in a tiny basement that had virtually no ventilation, no running water, and no heat. She was often forced to exist alongside her own waste, handcuffed, and subjected to severe beatings.

In 2011, one of Olivia’s adoptive siblings had enough and contacted local authorities for help. Child welfare agents reportedly visited the home, photographed the tiny basement room, and even heard about how the Atkocaitis family locked her up. Yet, for some reason, they never opted to remove her from the home.

According to a Fox News Digital exclusive, Olivia managed to tear through the drywall in the basement using a bottle cap and escape at the age of 15. That desperate act of bravery eventually gave local authorities what they needed to arrest and indict her adoptive parents on child welfare charges. Each pleaded guilty, while Olivia became a ward of the state.

Now, Atkocaitis is attempting to reclaim her power by taking legal action against those she feels allowed her to fall through the cracks. She recently filed a lawsuit in Merrimack Superior Court against Thomas and Denise Atkocaitis, New Hampshire’s child protective services, and local law enforcement agencies.

The lawsuit, which spans over 70 pages of information, is not just a quest for justice against her adoptive parents. It is also her personal indictment of the system that all too often fails young children like Olivia when they need protection the most. Her journey from “a dungeon room” to freedom is a testament to her resilience and determination.

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